Source code for magpylib._lib.classes.magnets

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# magpylib -- A Python 3 toolbox for calculating magnetic fields from
# permanent magnets and current distributions.
# Copyright (C) 2019  Michael Ortner <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program.  If not, see <>.
# For contact information, reach out over at <> or our issues
# page at
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

from numpy import array, float64, ndarray
from magpylib._lib.mathLib import angleAxisRotation_priv
from magpylib._lib.utility import checkDimensions
from magpylib._lib.classes.base import HomoMag
from magpylib._lib.fields.PM_Sphere import Bfield_Sphere
from magpylib._lib.fields.PM_Cylinder import Bfield_Cylinder
from magpylib._lib.fields.PM_Box import Bfield_Box
from magpylib._lib.mathLib_vector import angleAxisRotationV_priv
import numpy as np
from magpylib._lib.fields.PM_Box_vector import Bfield_BoxV
from magpylib._lib.fields.PM_Cylinder_vector import Bfield_CylinderV
from magpylib._lib.fields.PM_Sphere_vector import Bfield_SphereV

# tool-tip / intellisense helpers ---------------------------------------------
# Class initialization is done purely by kwargs. While some # of these can be 
# set to zero by default other MUST be given to make any sense 
# (e.g. magnetization). To improve tool tips and intellisense we inizilize them
# with names, e.g. mag=(Mx, My, Mz). This looks good, but it requires that
# these names are pre-initialzed:
Mx = My = Mz = .0
a = b = c = .0
d = .0 
h = .0

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[docs]class Box(HomoMag): """ A homogeneously magnetized cuboid magnet. In the canonical basis (position=[0,0,0], angle=0.0, axis=[0,0,1]) the magnet has the origin at its geometric center and the sides of the box are parallel to the basis vectors. Scalar input is either integer or float. Vector input format can be either list, tuple or array of any data type (float, int). Parameters ---------- mag : vec3 [mT] Set magnetization vector of magnet in units of [mT]. dim : vec3 [mm] Set the size of the box. dim=[a,b,c] which anchorresponds to the three side lenghts of the box in units of [mm]. pos=[0,0,0] : vec3 [mm] Set position of the center of the magnet in units of [mm]. angle=0.0 : scalar [deg] Set angle of orientation of magnet in units of [deg]. axis=[0,0,1] : vec3 [] Set axis of orientation of the magnet. Attributes ---------- magnetization : arr3 [mT] Magnetization vector of box in units of [mT]. dimension : arr3 [mm] Magnet dimension=[a,b,c] which anchorrespond to the three side lenghts of the box in units of [mm] in x-,y- and z-direction respectively in the canonical basis. position : arr3 [mm] Position of the center of the magnet in units of [mm]. angle : float [deg] Angle of orientation of the magnet in units of [deg]. axis : arr3 [] Axis of orientation of the magnet. Example ------- >>> from magpylib import source >>> pm = source.magnet.Box(mag=[0,0,1000],dim=[1,1,1]) >>> B = pm.getB([1,0,1]) >>> print(B) [4.29223532e+01 1.76697482e-14 1.37461635e+01] Note ---- The following Methods are available to all sources objects. """ def __init__(self, mag=(Mx, My, Mz), dim=(a, b, c), pos=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), angle=0.0, axis=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)): # inherit class HomoMag HomoMag.__init__(self, pos, angle, axis, mag) # secure input type and check input format of dim self.dimension = checkDimensions(3, dim, "Bad dim for box")
[docs] def getB(self, pos): # vectorized code if input is an Nx3 array if type(pos) == ndarray: if len(np.shape(pos))==2: # list of positions - use vectorized code # vector size NN = np.shape(pos)[0] # prepare vector inputs POSREL = pos - self.position ANG = np.ones(NN)*self.angle AX = np.tile(self.axis,(NN,1)) MAG = np.tile(self.magnetization,(NN,1)) DIM = np.tile(self.dimension,(NN,1)) # compute rotations and field ROTATEDPOS = angleAxisRotationV_priv(ANG, -AX, POSREL) BB = Bfield_BoxV(MAG,ROTATEDPOS,DIM) BCM = angleAxisRotationV_priv(ANG, AX, BB) return BCM # secure input type and check input format p1 = array(pos, dtype=float64, copy=False) # relative position between mag and obs posRel = p1 - self.position # rotate this vector into the CS of the magnet (inverse rotation) rotatedPos = angleAxisRotation_priv(self.angle, -self.axis, posRel) # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type # rotate field vector back BCm = angleAxisRotation_priv(self.angle, self.axis, Bfield_Box(self.magnetization, rotatedPos, self.dimension)) # BCm is the obtained magnetic field in Cm # the field is well known in the magnet coordinates. return BCm
def __repr__(self): """ This is for the IPython Console When you call a defined box, this method shows you all its components. Examples -------- >>> from magpylib import source >>> b = source.magnet.Box([0.2,32.5,5.3], [1.0,2.4,5.0], [1.0,0.2,3.0]) >>> b type: magnet.Box magnetization: x: 0.2, y: 32.5, z: 5.3 dimensions: a: 1.0, b: 2.4, c: 5.0 position: x: 1.0, y:0.2, z: 3.0 angle: 0.0 axis: x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z:1.0 """ return "type: {} \n magnetization: x: {}, y: {}, z: {} \n dimensions: a: {}, b: {}, c: {} \n position: x: {}, y:{}, z: {} \n angle: {} Degrees \n axis: x: {}, y: {}, z:{}".format("magnet.Box", *self.magnetization, *self.dimension, *self.position, self.angle, *self.axis)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Cylinder(HomoMag): """ A homogeneously magnetized cylindrical magnet. The magnet is initialized in the canonical basis (position=[0,0,0], angle=0.0, axis=[0,0,1]) with the geometric center at the origin and the central symmetry axis pointing in z-direction so that the circular bottom lies in a plane parallel to the xy-plane. Scalar input is either integer or float and reflects a round bottom. Vector input format can be either list, tuple or array of any data type (float, int). Parameters ---------- mag : vec3 [mT] Set magnetization vector of magnet in units of [mT]. dim : vec2 [mm] Set the size of the cylinder. dim=[D,H] which are diameter and height of the cylinder in units of [mm] respectively. pos=[0,0,0] : vec3 [mm] Set position of the center of the magnet in units of [mm]. angle=0.0 : scalar [deg] Set angle of orientation of magnet in units of [deg]. axis=[0,0,1] : vec3 [] Set axis of orientation of the magnet. iterDia=50 : int [] Set number of iterations for calculation of B-field from non-axial magnetization. Lower values will make the calculation faster but less precise. Attributes ---------- magnetization : arr3 [mT] Magnetization vector of magnet in units of [mT]. dimension : arr2 [mm] Magnet dimension=[d,h] which anchorrespond to diameter and height of the cylinder in units of [mm]. position : arr3 [mm] Position of the center of the magnet in units of [mm]. angle : float [deg] Angle of orientation of the magnet in units of [deg]. axis : arr3 [] Axis of orientation of the magnet. iterDia : int [] Number of iterations for calculation of B-field from non-axial magnetization. Lower values will make the calculation faster but less precise. Example ------- >>> from magpylib import source >>> pm = source.magnet.Cylinder(mag=[0,0,1000],dim=[1,1]) >>> B = pm.getB([1,0,1]) >>> print(B) [34.31662243 0. 10.16090915] Note ---- The following Methods are available to all sources objects. """ def __init__(self, mag=(Mx, My, Mz), dim=(d, h), pos=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), angle=0.0, axis=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), iterDia=50): # inherit class homoMag # - pos, Mrot, MrotInv, mag # - moveBy, rotateBy HomoMag.__init__(self, pos, angle, axis, mag) # secure input type and check input format of dim assert type( iterDia) == int, 'Bad iterDia input for cylinder, expected <class int> got ' + str(type(iterDia)) self.dimension = checkDimensions(2, dim, "Bad dim input for cylinder") self.iterDia = iterDia
[docs] def getB(self, pos): # Particular Cylinder B field calculation. Check RCS for getB() interface # vectorized code if input is an Nx3 array if type(pos) == ndarray: if len(np.shape(pos))==2: # list of positions - use vectorized code # vector size NN = np.shape(pos)[0] # prepare vector inputs POSREL = pos - self.position ANG = np.ones(NN)*self.angle AX = np.tile(self.axis,(NN,1)) MAG = np.tile(self.magnetization,(NN,1)) DIM = np.tile(self.dimension,(NN,1)) # compute rotations and field ROTATEDPOS = angleAxisRotationV_priv(ANG, -AX, POSREL) BB = Bfield_CylinderV(MAG,ROTATEDPOS,DIM,self.iterDia) BCM = angleAxisRotationV_priv(ANG, AX, BB) return BCM # secure input type and check input format p1 = array(pos, dtype=float64, copy=False) # relative position between mag and obs posRel = p1 - self.position # rotate this vector into the CS of the magnet (inverse rotation) rotatedPos = angleAxisRotation_priv(self.angle, -self.axis, posRel) # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type # rotate field vector back BCm = angleAxisRotation_priv(self.angle, self.axis, Bfield_Cylinder(self.magnetization, rotatedPos, self.dimension, self.iterDia)) # BCm is the obtained magnetic field in Cm # the field is well known in the magnet coordinates. return BCm
def __repr__(self): """ This is for the IPython Console When you call a defined cylinder, this method shows you all its components. Examples -------- >>> from magpylib import source >>> c = source.magnet.Cylinder([0.2,32.5,5.3], [2.0,9.0], [1.0,0.2,3.0]) >>> c type: magnet.Cylinder magnetization: x: 0.2, y: 32.5, z: 5.3 dimensions: d: 2.0, h: 9.0 position: x: 1.0, y:0.2, z: 3.0 angle: 0.0 axis: x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z:1.0 """ return "type: {} \n magnetization: x: {}, y: {}, z: {} \n dimensions: d: {}, h: {} \n position: x: {}, y:{}, z: {} \n angle: {} \n axis: x: {}, y: {}, z:{}".format("magnet.Cylinder", *self.magnetization, *self.dimension, *self.position, self.angle, *self.axis)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Sphere(HomoMag): """ A homogeneously magnetized sphere. The magnet is initialized in the canonical basis (position=[0,0,0], angle=0.0, axis=[0,0,1]) with the center at the origin. Scalar input is either integer or float. Vector input format can be either list, tuple or array of any data type (float, int). Parameters ---------- mag : vec3 [mT] Set magnetization vector of magnet in units of [mT]. dim : float [mm] Set diameter of the sphere in units of [mm]. pos=[0,0,0] : vec3 [mm] Set position of the center of the magnet in units of [mm]. angle=0.0 : scalar [deg] Set angle of orientation of magnet in units of [deg]. axis=[0,0,1] : vec3 [] Set axis of orientation of the magnet. Attributes ---------- magnetization : arr3 [mT] Magnetization vector of magnet in units of [mT]. dimension : float [mm] Sphere diameter in units of [mm]. position : arr3 [mm] Position of the center of the magnet in units of [mm]. angle : float [deg] Angle of orientation of the magnet in units of [deg]. axis : arr3 [] Axis of orientation of the magnet. Example ------- >>> from magpylib import source >>> pm = source.magnet.Sphere(mag=[0,0,1000],dim=1) >>> B = pm.getB([1,0,1]) >>> print(B) [22.09708691 0. 7.36569564] Note ---- The following Methods are available to all sources objects. """ def __init__(self, mag=(Mx, My, Mz), dim=d, pos=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), angle=0.0, axis=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)): # inherit class homoMag # - pos, Mrot, MrotInv, mag # - moveBy, rotateBy HomoMag.__init__(self, pos, angle, axis, mag) # secure input type and check input format of dim self.dimension = float(dim) assert self.dimension > 0, 'Bad dim<=0 for sphere'
[docs] def getB(self, pos): # vectorized code if input is an Nx3 array if type(pos) == ndarray: if len(np.shape(pos))==2: # list of positions - use vectorized code # vector size NN = np.shape(pos)[0] # prepare vector inputs POSREL = pos - self.position ANG = np.ones(NN)*self.angle AX = np.tile(self.axis,(NN,1)) MAG = np.tile(self.magnetization,(NN,1)) DIM = np.ones(NN)*self.dimension # compute rotations and field ROTATEDPOS = angleAxisRotationV_priv(ANG, -AX, POSREL) BB = Bfield_SphereV(MAG,ROTATEDPOS,DIM) BCM = angleAxisRotationV_priv(ANG, AX, BB) return BCM # secure input type and check input format p1 = array(pos, dtype=float64, copy=False) # relative position between mag and obs posRel = p1 - self.position # rotate this vector into the CS of the magnet (inverse rotation) rotatedPos = angleAxisRotation_priv(self.angle, -self.axis, posRel) # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type # rotate field vector back BCm = angleAxisRotation_priv(self.angle, self.axis, Bfield_Sphere(self.magnetization, rotatedPos, self.dimension)) # BCm is the obtained magnetic field in Cm # the field is well known in the magnet coordinates. return BCm
def __repr__(self): """ This is for the IPython Console When you call a defined sphere, this method shows you all its components. Examples -------- >>> from magpylib import source >>> s = source.magnet.Sphere([0.2,32.5,5.3], 1.0, [1.0,0.2,3.0]) >>> s type: magnet.Sphere magnetization: x: 0.2, y: 32.5, z: 5.3 dimensions: d: 1.0 position: x: 1.0, y:0.2, z: 3.0 angle: 0.0 axis: x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z:1.0 """ return "type: {} \n magnetization: x: {}, y: {}, z: {}mT \n dimensions: d: {} \n position: x: {}, y:{}, z: {} \n angle: {} Degrees \n axis: x: {}, y: {}, z:{}".format("magnet.Sphere", *self.magnetization, self.dimension, *self.position, self.angle, *self.axis)
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[docs]class Facet(HomoMag): """ WIP """ def __init__(self): print('Facet class is work in progress')