Source code for magpylib._lib.mathLib_vector

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# magpylib -- A Python 3 toolbox for working with magnetic fields.
# Copyright (C) Silicon Austria Labs,,
#               Michael Ortner <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
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# The acceptance of the conditions of the GNU Affero General Public License are
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# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import numpy as np

def QmultV(Q, P):
    Implementation of the quaternion multiplication
    Sig = np.array([[1,-1,-1,-1],[1,1,1,-1],[1,-1,1,1],[1,1,-1,1]])
    M = Q*np.array([P,np.roll(P[:,::-1],2,axis=1),np.roll(P,2,axis=1),P[:,::-1]])
    M = np.swapaxes(M,0,1)
    return np.sum(M*Sig,axis=2)

def QconjV(Q):
    Implementation of the conjugation of a quaternion
    Sig = np.array([1,-1,-1,-1])
    return Q*Sig

def getRotQuatV(ANGLE, AXIS):
    ANGLE in [deg], AXIS dimensionless
    vectorized version of getRotQuat, returns the rotation quaternion which 
    describes the rotation given by angle and axis (see paper)
    NOTE: axis cannot be [0,0,0] !!! this would not describe a rotation. however
        sinPhi = 0 returns a 0-axis (but just in the Q this must still be 
        interpreted correctly as an axis)
    Lax = np.linalg.norm(AXIS,axis=1)
    Uax = AXIS/Lax[:,None]   # normalize

    Phi = ANGLE/180*np.pi/2
    cosPhi = np.cos(Phi)
    sinPhi = np.sin(Phi)
    Q = np.array([cosPhi] + [Uax[:,i]*sinPhi for i in range(3)])

    return np.swapaxes(Q,0,1)

def QrotationV(Q,v):
    replaces angle axis rotation by direct Q-rotation to skip this step speed
    when multiple subsequent rotations are given
    Qv = np.pad(v,((0,0),(1,0)), mode='constant') 
    Qv_new = QmultV(Q, QmultV(Qv, QconjV(Q)))
    return Qv_new[:,1:]

def getAngAxV(Q):
    # returns angle and axis for a quaternion orientation input
    angle = np.arccos(Q[:,0])*180/np.pi*2
    axis = Q[:,1:]
    # a quaternion with a 0-axis describes a unit rotation (0-angle).
    # there should still be a proper axis output but it is eliminated
    # by the term [Uax[:,i]*sinPhi for i in range(3)]) with sinPhi=0.
    # since for 0-angle the axis doesnt matter we can set it to [0,0,1] 
    # which is our defined initial orientation
    Lax = np.linalg.norm(axis,axis=1)
    mask = Lax!=0
    Uax = np.array([[0,0,1.]]*len(axis))     # set all to [0,0,1]
    Uax[mask] = axis[mask]/Lax[mask,None]   # use mask to normalize non-zeros
    return angle,Uax

def angleAxisRotationV_priv(ANGLE, AXIS, V):
    # vectorized version of angleAxisRotation_priv
    P = getRotQuatV(ANGLE, AXIS)
    Qv = np.pad(V,((0,0),(1,0)), mode='constant') 
    Qv_new = QmultV(P, QmultV(Qv, QconjV(P)))
    return Qv_new[:,1:]

[docs]def randomAxisV(N): """ This is the vectorized version of randomAxis(). It generates an N-sized vector of random `axes` (3-vector of length 1) from equal angular distributions using a MonteCarlo scheme. Parameters ------- N : int Size of random axis vector. Returns ------- axes : Nx3 arr A vector of random axes from an equal angular distribution of length 1. Example ------- >>> import magpylib as magpy >>> import magpylib as magpy >>> AXS = magpy.math.randomAxisV(3) >>> print(AXS) >>> # Output: [[ 0.39480364 -0.53600779 -0.74620757] ... [ 0.02974442 0.10916333 0.9935787 ] ... [-0.54639126 0.76659756 -0.33731997]] """ R = np.random.rand(N,3)*2-1 while True: lenR = np.linalg.norm(R,axis=1) mask = lenR > 1 #bad = True Nbad = np.sum(mask) if Nbad==0: return R/lenR[:,np.newaxis] else: R[mask] = np.random.rand(Nbad,3)*2-1
[docs]def axisFromAnglesV(ANG): """ This is the vectorized version of axisFromAngles(). It generates an Nx3 array of axis vectors from the Nx2 array of input angle pairs angles. Each angle pair is (phi,theta) which are azimuth and polar angle of a spherical coordinate system respectively. Parameters ---------- ANG : arr Nx2 [deg] An N-sized array of angle pairs [phi th], azimuth and polar, in units of deg. Returns ------- AXIS : arr Nx3 An N-sized array of unit axis vectors oriented as given by the input ANG. Example ------- >>> import magpylib as magpy >>> import numpy as np >>> ANGS = np.array([[0,90],[90,180],[90,0]]) >>> AX = magpy.math.axisFromAnglesV(ANGS) >>> print(np.around(AX,4)) >>> # Output: [[1. 0. 0.] [0. 0. -1.] [0. 0. 1.]] """ PHI = ANG[:,0]/180*np.pi TH = ANG[:,1]/180*np.pi return np.array([np.cos(PHI)*np.sin(TH), np.sin(PHI)*np.sin(TH), np.cos(TH)]).transpose()
[docs]def anglesFromAxisV(AXIS): """ This is the vectorized version of anglesFromAxis(). It takes an Nx3 array of axis-vectors and returns an Nx2 array of angle pairs. Each angle pair is (phi,theta) which are azimuth and polar angle in a spherical coordinate system respectively. Parameters ---------- AXIS : arr Nx3 N-sized array of axis-vectors (do not have to be not be normalized). Returns ------- ANGLES : arr Nx2 [deg] N-sized array of angle pairs [phi,th], azimuth and polar, that chorrespond to the orientations given by the input axis vectors in a spherical coordinate system. Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import magpylib as magpy >>> AX = np.array([[0,0,1],[0,0,1],[1,0,0]]) >>> ANGS = magpy.math.anglesFromAxisV(AX) >>> print(ANGS) >>> # Output: [[0. 0.] [90. 90.] [0. 90.]]) """ Lax = np.linalg.norm(AXIS,axis=1) Uax = AXIS/Lax[:,np.newaxis] TH = np.arccos(Uax[:,2])/np.pi*180 PHI = np.arctan2(Uax[:,1], Uax[:,0])/np.pi*180 return np.array([PHI, TH]).transpose()
[docs]def angleAxisRotationV(POS,ANG,AXIS,ANCHOR): """ This is the vectorized version of angleAxisRotation(). Each entry of POS (arrNx3) is rotated according to the angles ANG (arrN), about the axis vectors AXS (arrNx3) which pass throught the anchors ANCH (arrNx3) where N refers to the length of the input vectors. Parameters ---------- POS : arrNx3 The input vectors to be rotated. ANG : arrN [deg] Rotation angles in units of [deg]. AXIS : arrNx3 Vector of rotation axes. anchor : arrNx3 Vector of rotation anchors. Returns ------- newPOS : arrNx3 Vector of rotated positions. >>> import magpylib as magpy >>> import numpy as np >>> POS = np.array([[1,0,0]]*5) # avoid this slow Python loop >>> ANG = np.linspace(0,180,5) >>> AXS = np.array([[0,0,1]]*5) # avoid this slow Python loop >>> ANCH = np.zeros((5,3)) >>> POSnew = magpy.math.angleAxisRotationV(POS,ANG,AXS,ANCH) >>> print(np.around(POSnew,4)) >>> # Output: [[ 1. 0. 0. ] ... [ 0.7071 0.7071 0. ] ... [ 0. 1. 0. ] ... [-0.7071 0.7071 0. ] ... [-1. 0. 0. ]] """ POS12 = POS-ANCHOR POS12rot = angleAxisRotationV_priv(ANG,AXIS,POS12) POSnew = POS12rot+ANCHOR return POSnew
def ellipticV(kc,p,c,s): ''' vectorized version of the elliptic integral original implementation from paper Kirby ''' #if kc == 0: # return NaN errtol = .000001 N = len(kc) k = np.abs(kc) em = np.ones(N,dtype=float) cc = c.copy() pp = p.copy() ss = s.copy() # apply a mask for evaluation of respective cases mask = p>0 maskInv = np.invert(mask) #if p>0: pp[mask] = np.sqrt(p[mask]) ss[mask] = s[mask]/pp[mask] #else: f = kc[maskInv]*kc[maskInv] q = 1.-f g = 1. - pp[maskInv] f = f - pp[maskInv] q = q*(ss[maskInv] - c[maskInv]*pp[maskInv]) pp[maskInv] = np.sqrt(f/g) cc[maskInv] = (c[maskInv]-ss[maskInv])/g ss[maskInv] = -q/(g*g*pp[maskInv]) + cc[maskInv]*pp[maskInv] f = cc.copy() cc = cc + ss/pp g = k/pp ss = 2*(ss + f*g) pp = g + pp g = em.copy() em = k + em kk = k.copy() #define a mask that adjusts with every evauation # step so that only non-converged entries are # further iterated. mask = np.ones(N,dtype=bool) while np.any(mask): k[mask] = 2*np.sqrt(kk[mask]) kk[mask] = np.copy(k[mask]*em[mask]) f[mask] = cc[mask] cc[mask] = cc[mask] + ss[mask]/pp[mask] g[mask] = kk[mask]/pp[mask] ss[mask] = 2*(ss[mask] + f[mask]*g[mask]) pp[mask] = g[mask] + pp[mask] g[mask] = em[mask] em[mask] = k[mask]+em[mask] #redefine mask so only non-convergent # entries are reiterated mask = (np.abs(g-k) > g*errtol) return(np.pi/2)*(ss+cc*em)/(em*(em+pp)) def ellipticKV(x): ''' special case complete elliptic integral of first kind ellipticK 0 <= x <1 ''' N = len(x) onez = np.ones([N]) return ellipticV((1-x)**(1/2.), onez, onez, onez) def ellipticEV(x): ''' special case complete elliptic integral of second kind ellipticE E(x) = int_0^pi/2 (1-x sin(phi)^2)^(1/2) dphi requires x < 1 ! ''' N = len(x) onez = np.ones([N]) return ellipticV((1-x)**(1/2.), onez, onez, 1-x) def ellipticPiV(x, y): ''' special case complete elliptic integral of third kind ellipticPi E(x) = int_0^pi/2 (1-x sin(phi)^2)^(1/2) dphi requires x < 1 ! ''' N = len(x) onez = np.ones([N]) return ellipticV((1-y)**(1/2.), 1-x, onez, onez)