magpylib package

Welcome to Magpylib !

Magpylib provides static 3D magnetic field computation for permanent magnets, currents and other sources using (semi-) analytical formulas from the literature.


Documentation on Read-the-docs:

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Original software publication (version 2):


Magpylib uses units of

  • [mT]: for the B-field and the magnetization (mu0*M).
  • [kA/m]: for the H-field.
  • [mm]: for all position inputs.
  • [deg]: for angle inputs by default.
  • [A]: for current inputs.

Magpylib objects represent magnetic field sources and sensors with various attributes

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> # magnets
>>> src1 = mag3.magnet.Box(magnetization=(0,0,1000), dimension=(1,2,3))
>>> src2 = mag3.magnet.Cylinder(magnetization=(0,1000,0), dimension=(1,2))
>>> src3 = mag3.magnet.Sphere(magnetization=(1000,0,0), diameter=1)
>>> # currents
>>> src4 = mag3.current.Circular(current=15, diameter=3)
>>> src5 = mag3.current.Line(current=15, vertices=[(0,0,0), (1,2,3)])
>>> # misc
>>> src6 = mag3.misc.Dipole(moment=(100,200,300))
>>> # sensor
>>> sens = mag3.Sensor()
>>> for obj in [src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6, sens]:
>>>     print(obj)

All Magpylib objects are endowed with position and orientation attributes that describe their state in a global coordinate system. By default they are set to zero and unit-rotation respectively.

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sens = mag3.Sensor()
>>> print(sens.position)
>>> print(sens.orientation.as_quat())
[0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0. 1.]

Manipulate position and orientation attributes directly through source attributes, or by using built-in move and rotate methods.

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sens = mag3.Sensor(position=(1,1,1))
>>> print(sens.position)
>>> sens.move((1,1,1))
>>> print(sens.position)
[1. 1. 1.]
[2. 2. 2.]
>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
>>> sens = mag3.Sensor(orientation=R.from_rotvec((.1,.1,.1)))
>>> print(sens.orientation.as_rotvec())
>>> sens.rotate(R.from_rotvec((.1,.1,.1)))
>>> print(sens.orientation.as_rotvec())
>>> sens.rotate_from_angax(angle=.1, axis=(1,1,1), degree=False)
>>> print(sens.orientation.as_rotvec())
[0.1 0.1 0.1]
[0.2 0.2 0.2]
[0.25773503 0.25773503 0.25773503]

Source position and rotation attributes can also represent complete source paths in the global coordinate system. Such paths can be generated conveniently using the move and rotate methods.

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> src = mag3.magnet.Box(magnetization=(1,2,3), dimension=(1,2,3))
>>> src.move([(1,1,1),(2,2,2),(3,3,3),(4,4,4)], start='append')
>>> print(src.position)
[[0. 0. 0.]  [1. 1. 1.]  [2. 2. 2.]  [3. 3. 3.]  [4. 4. 4.]]

Grouping objects

Use the Collection class to group objects for common manipulation. All object methods can also be applied to complete Collections.

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> src1 = mag3.magnet.Box(magnetization=(0,0,1000), dimension=(1,2,3))
>>> src2 = mag3.magnet.Cylinder(magnetization=(0,1000,0), dimension=(1,2))
>>> col = src1 + src2
>>> col.move((1,2,3))
>>> for src in col:
>>>     print(src.pos)
[1. 2. 3.]
[1. 2. 3.]

Field computation

The magnetic field generated by sources at observers can be computed through the top level functions getB and getH. Sources are magpylib source objects like Circular or Dipole. Observers are magpylib Sensor objects or simply sets (list, tuple, ndarray) of positions. The result will be an array of all possible source-observer-path combinations

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> src1 = mag3.current.Circular(current=15, diameter=2)
>>> src2 = mag3.misc.Dipole(moment=(100,100,100))
>>> sens = mag3.Sensor(position=(1,1,1))
>>> obs_pos = (1,2,3)
>>> B = mag3.getB(sources=[src1,src2], observers=[sens,obs_pos])
>>> print(B)
[[[0.93539608 0.93539608 0.40046672]
  [0.05387784 0.10775569 0.0872515 ]]
 [[3.06293831 3.06293831 3.06293831]
  [0.04340403 0.23872216 0.43404028]]]

Field computation is also directly accessible in the form of object methods:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> src = mag3.misc.Dipole(moment=(100,100,100))
>>> sens = mag3.Sensor(position=(1,1,1))
>>> pos_obs = (1,2,3)
>>> print(src.getB(sens, pos_obs))
[[3.06293831 3.06293831 3.06293831]
 [0.04340403 0.23872216 0.43404028]]

Finally there is a direct (very fast) interface to the field computation formulas that avoids the object oriented Magpylib interface:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> B = mag3.getBv(
>>>     source_type='Dipole',
>>>     moment=(100,100,100),
>>>     observer=[(1,1,1), (1,2,3)])
>>> print(B)
[[3.06293831 3.06293831 3.06293831]
 [0.04340403 0.23872216 0.43404028]]

Graphic output

Display sources, collections, paths and sensors using Matplotlib from top level functions,

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> src1 = mag3.magnet.Sphere(magnetization=(1000,0,0), diameter=1)
>>> src2 = mag3.current.Circular(current=15, diameter=3)
>>> mag3.display(src1, src2)
--> graphic output

or directly through object methods

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> src = mag3.current.Circular(current=15, diameter=3)
>>> src.display()
--> graphic output
magpylib.getB(sources, observers, sumup=False, squeeze=True, **specs)[source]

Compute B-field in [mT] for given sources and observers.

  • sources (source object, Collection or 1D list thereof) – Sources can be a single source object, a Collection or a 1D list of L source objects and/or collections.
  • observers (array_like or Sensor or 1D list thereof) – Observers can be array_like positions of shape (N1, N2, …, 3) where the field should be evaluated, can be a Sensor object with pixel shape (N1, N2, …, 3) or a 1D list of K Sensor objects with similar pixel shape. All positions are given in units of [mm].
  • sumup (bool, default=False) – If True, the fields of all sources are summed up.
  • squeeze (bool, default=True) – If True, the output is squeezed, i.e. all axes of length 1 in the output (e.g. only a single sensor or only a single source) are eliminated.

B-field – B-field of each source (L) at each path position (M) for each sensor (K) and each sensor pixel position (N1,N2,…) in units of [mT]. Sensor pixel positions are equivalent to simple observer positions. Paths of objects that are shorter than M will be considered as static beyond their end.

Return type:

ndarray, shape squeeze(L, M, K, N1, N2, .., 3)


This function automatically joins all sensor and position inputs together and groups similar sources for optimal vectorization of the computation. For maximal performance call this function as little as possible and avoid using it in loops.


Compute the B-field of a spherical magnet at a sensor positioned at (1,2,3):

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> source = mag3.magnet.Sphere(magnetization=(1000,0,0), diameter=1)
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor(position=(1,2,3))
>>> B = mag3.getB(source, sensor)
>>> print(B)
[-0.62497314  0.34089444  0.51134166]

Compute the B-field of a spherical magnet at five path positions as seen by an observer at position (1,2,3):

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> source = mag3.magnet.Sphere(magnetization=(1000,0,0), diameter=1)
>>> source.move([(x,0,0) for x in [1,2,3,4,5]])
>>> B = mag3.getB(source, (1,2,3))
>>> print(B)
[[-0.88894262  0.          0.        ]
 [-0.62497314 -0.34089444 -0.51134166]
 [-0.17483825 -0.41961181 -0.62941771]
 [ 0.09177028 -0.33037301 -0.49555952]
 [ 0.17480239 -0.22080302 -0.33120453]]

Compute the B-field of two sources at two observer positions, with and without sumup:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> src1 = mag3.current.Circular(current=15, diameter=2)
>>> src2 = mag3.misc.Dipole(moment=(100,100,100))
>>> obs_pos = [(1,1,1), (1,2,3)]
>>> B = mag3.getB([src1,src2], obs_pos)
>>> print(B)
[[[0.93539608 0.93539608 0.40046672]
  [0.05387784 0.10775569 0.0872515 ]]
 [[3.06293831 3.06293831 3.06293831]
  [0.04340403 0.23872216 0.43404028]]]
>>> B = mag3.getB([src1,src2], obs_pos, sumup=True)
>>> print(B)
[[3.99833439 3.99833439 3.46340502]
 [0.09728187 0.34647784 0.52129178]]
magpylib.getH(sources, observers, sumup=False, squeeze=True, **specs)[source]

Compute H-field in [kA/m] for given sources and observers.

  • sources (source object, Collection or 1D list thereof) – Sources can be a single source object, a Collection or a 1D list of L source objects and/or collections.
  • observers (array_like or Sensor or 1D list thereof) – Observers can be array_like positions of shape (N1, N2, …, 3) where the field should be evaluated, can be a Sensor object with pixel shape (N1, N2, …, 3) or a 1D list of K Sensor objects with similar pixel shape. All positions are given in units of [mm].
  • sumup (bool, default=False) – If True, the fields of all sources are summed up.
  • squeeze (bool, default=True) – If True, the output is squeezed, i.e. all axes of length 1 in the output (e.g. only a single sensor or only a single source) are eliminated.

H-field – H-field of each source (L) at each path position (M) for each sensor (K) and each sensor pixel position (N1,N2,…) in units of [kA/m]. Sensor pixel positions are equivalent to simple observer positions. Paths of objects that are shorter than M will be considered as static beyond their end.

Return type:

ndarray, shape squeeze(L, M, K, N1, N2, .., 3)


This function automatically joins all sensor and position inputs together and groups similar sources for optimal vectorization of the computation. For maximal performance call this function as little as possible and avoid using it in loops.


Compute the H-field of a spherical magnet at a sensor positioned at (1,2,3):

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> source = mag3.magnet.Sphere(magnetization=(1000,0,0), diameter=1)
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor(position=(1,2,3))
>>> H = mag3.getH(source, sensor)
>>> print(H)
[-0.49733782  0.27127518  0.40691277]

Compute the H-field of a spherical magnet at five path positions as seen by an observer at position (1,2,3):

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> source = mag3.magnet.Sphere(magnetization=(1000,0,0), diameter=1)
>>> source.move([(x,0,0) for x in [1,2,3,4,5]])
>>> H = mag3.getH(source, (1,2,3))
>>> print(H)
[[-0.70739806  0.          0.        ]
 [-0.49733782 -0.27127518 -0.40691277]
 [-0.13913186 -0.33391647 -0.5008747 ]
 [ 0.07302847 -0.26290249 -0.39435373]
 [ 0.13910332 -0.17570946 -0.26356419]]

Compute the H-field of two sources at two observer positions, with and without sumup:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> src1 = mag3.current.Circular(current=15, diameter=2)
>>> src2 = mag3.misc.Dipole(moment=(100,100,100))
>>> obs_pos = [(1,1,1), (1,2,3)]
>>> H = mag3.getH([src1,src2], obs_pos)
>>> print(H)
[[[0.74436455 0.74436455 0.31868129]
  [0.04287463 0.08574925 0.06943254]]
 [[2.43740886 2.43740886 2.43740886]
  [0.03453983 0.18996906 0.34539828]]]
>>> H = mag3.getH([src1,src2], obs_pos, sumup=True)
>>> print(H)
[[3.18177341 3.18177341 2.75609015]
 [0.07741445 0.27571831 0.41483082]]

B-Field computation in units of [mT] from a dictionary of input vectors of length N.

This function avoids the object-oriented Magpylib interface and gives direct access to the field implementations. It is the fastet way to compute fields with Magpylib.

“Static” inputs of shape (x,) will automatically be tiled to shape (N,x) to fit with other inputs.

Required inputs depend on chosen source_type!

  • source_type (string) – Source type for computation. Must be either ‘Box’, ‘Cylinder’, ‘Sphere’, ‘Dipole’, ‘Circular’ or ‘Line’. Expected input parameters depend on source_type.
  • position (array_like, shape (3,) or (N,3), default=(0,0,0)) – Source positions in units of [mm].
  • orientation (scipy Rotation object, default=unit rotation) – Source rotations relative to the initial state (see object docstrings).
  • observer (array_like, shape (3,) or (N,3)) – Observer positions in units of [mm].
  • squeeze (bool, default=True) – If True, the output is squeezed, i.e. all axes of length 1 in the output are eliminated.
  • magnetization (array_like, shape (3,) or (N,3)) – Only source_type in (‘Box’, ‘Cylinder’, ‘Sphere’)! Magnetization vector (mu0*M) or remanence field of homogeneous magnet magnetization in units of [mT].
  • moment (array_like, shape (3,) or (N,3)) – Only source_type = ‘Moment’! Magnetic dipole moment in units of [mT*mm^3]. For homogeneous magnets the relation is moment = magnetization*volume.
  • current (array_like, shape (N,)) – Only source_type in (‘Line’, ‘Circular’)! Current flowing in loop in units of [A].
  • dimension (array_like) – Only source_type in (‘Box’, ‘Cylinder’)! Magnet dimension input in units of [mm].
  • diameter (array_like, shape (N)) – Only source_type in (Sphere, Circular)! Diameter of source in units of [mm].
  • segment_start (array_like, shape (N,3)) – Only source_type = ‘Line’! Start positions of line current segments in units of [mm].
  • segment_end (array_like, shape (N,3)) – Only source_type = ‘Line’! End positions of line current segments in units of [mm].

B-field – B-field generated by sources at observer positions in units of [mT].

Return type:

ndarray, shape (N,3)


Three-fold evaluation of the dipole field. For each computation the moment is (100,100,100).

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> B = mag3.getBv(
>>>     source_type='Dipole',
>>>     position=[(1,2,3), (2,3,4), (3,4,5)],
>>>     moment=(100,100,100),
>>>     observer=[(1,1,1), (2,2,2), (3,3,3)])
>>> print(B)
[[-0.71176254  0.56941003  1.85058261]
 [-0.71176254  0.56941003  1.85058261]
 [-0.71176254  0.56941003  1.85058261]]

Six-fold evaluation of a Cuboid magnet field with increasing size and magnetization of the magnet. Position and orientation are by default (0,0,0) and unit-orientation, respectively. The observer position is (1,2,3) for each evaluation.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> B = mag3.getBv(
>>>     source_type='Box',
>>>     magnetization = [(0,0,m) for m in np.linspace(500,1000,6)],
>>>     dimension = [(a,a,a) for a in np.linspace(1,2,6)],
>>>     observer=(1,2,3))
>>> print(B)
[[ 0.48818967  0.97689261  0.70605984]
 [ 1.01203491  2.02636222  1.46575704]
 [ 1.87397714  3.756164    2.72063422]
 [ 3.19414311  6.41330652  4.65485356]
 [ 5.10909461 10.2855981   7.4881383 ]
 [ 7.76954697 15.70382556 11.48192812]]

H-Field computation in units of [kA/m] from a dictionary of input vectors of length N.

This function avoids the object-oriented Magpylib interface and gives direct access to the field implementations. It is the fastet way to compute fields with Magpylib.

“Static” inputs of shape (x,) will automatically be tiled to shape (N,x) to fit with other inputs.

Required inputs depend on chosen source_type!

  • source_type (string) – Source type for computation. Must be either ‘Box’, ‘Cylinder’, ‘Sphere’, ‘Dipole’, ‘Circular’ or ‘Line’. Expected input parameters depend on source_type.
  • position (array_like, shape (3,) or (N,3), default=(0,0,0)) – Source positions in units of [mm].
  • orientation (scipy Rotation object, default=unit rotation) – Source rotations relative to the initial state (see object docstrings).
  • observer (array_like, shape (3,) or (N,3)) – Observer positions in units of [mm].
  • squeeze (bool, default=True) – If True, the output is squeezed, i.e. all axes of length 1 in the output are eliminated.
  • magnetization (array_like, shape (3,) or (N,3)) – Only source_type in (‘Box’, ‘Cylinder’, ‘Sphere’)! Magnetization vector (mu0*M) or remanence field of homogeneous magnet magnetization in units of [mT].
  • moment (array_like, shape (3,) or (N,3)) – Only source_type = ‘Moment’! Magnetic dipole moment in units of [mT*mm^3]. For homogeneous magnets the relation is moment = magnetization*volume.
  • current (array_like, shape (N,)) – Only source_type in (‘Line’, ‘Circular’)! Current flowing in loop in units of [A].
  • dimension (array_like) – Only source_type in (‘Box’, ‘Cylinder’)! Magnet dimension input in units of [mm].
  • diameter (array_like, shape (N)) – Only source_type in (Sphere, Circular)! Diameter of source in units of [mm].
  • segment_start (array_like, shape (N,3)) – Only source_type = ‘Line’! Start positions of line current segments in units of [mm].
  • segment_end (array_like, shape (N,3)) – Only source_type = ‘Line’! End positions of line current segments in units of [mm].

H-field – H-field generated by sources at observer positions in units of [kA/m].

Return type:

ndarray, shape (N,3)


Three-fold evaluation of the dipole field. For each computation the moment is (100,100,100).

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> H = mag3.getHv(
>>>     source_type='Dipole',
>>>     position=[(1,2,3), (2,3,4), (3,4,5)],
>>>     moment=(100,100,100),
>>>     observer=[(1,1,1), (2,2,2), (3,3,3)])
>>> print(H)
[[-0.56640264  0.45312211  1.47264685]
 [-0.56640264  0.45312211  1.47264685]
 [-0.56640264  0.45312211  1.47264685]]

Six-fold evaluation of a Cuboid magnet field with increasing size and magnetization of the magnet. Position and orientation are (0,0,0) and unit-orientation, respectively, by default. The observer position is (1,2,3) for each evaluation.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> H = mag3.getHv(
>>>     source_type='Box',
>>>     magnetization = [(0,0,m) for m in np.linspace(500,1000,6)],
>>>     dimension = [(a,a,a) for a in np.linspace(1,2,6)],
>>>     observer=(1,2,3))
>>> print(H)
[[ 0.388489    0.77738644  0.56186457]
 [ 0.80535179  1.61252782  1.16641239]
 [ 1.49126363  2.98906034  2.16501192]
 [ 2.54181833  5.10354717  3.70421476]
 [ 4.06568831  8.1850189   5.95887113]
 [ 6.18280903 12.49670731  9.13702808]]
class magpylib.Sensor(position=(0, 0, 0), pixel=(0, 0, 0), orientation=None)[source]

Bases: magpylib._lib.obj_classes.class_BaseGeo.BaseGeo, magpylib._lib.obj_classes.class_BaseDisplayRepr.BaseDisplayRepr

Magnetic field sensor. Can be used as observer input for magnetic field computation.

Local object coordinates: Sensor pixel (=sensing elements) are defined in the local object coordinate system. Local (Sensor) and global CS coincide when position=(0,0,0) and orientation=unit_rotation.

  • position (array_like, shape (3,) or (M,3), default=(0,0,0)) – Object position (local CS origin) in the global CS in units of [mm]. For M>1, the position represents a path. The position and orientation parameters must always be of the same length.
  • pixel (array_like, shape (3,) or (N1,N2,..,3), default=(0,0,0)) – Sensor pixel positions (=sensing elements) in the local Sensor CS in units of [mm]. The magnetic field is evaluated at Sensor pixels.
  • orientation (scipy Rotation object with length 1 or M, default=unit rotation) – Object orientation (local CS orientation) in the global CS. For M>1 orientation represents different values along a path. The position and orientation parameters must always be of the same length.

Sensor object

Return type:



By default a Sensor is initialized at position (0,0,0), with unit rotation and pixel (0,0,0):

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> print(sensor.position)
[0. 0. 0.]
>>> print(sensor.pixel)
[0. 0. 0.]
>>> print(sensor.orientation.as_quat())
[0. 0. 0. 1.]

Sensors are observers for magnetic field computation. In this example we compute the H-field as seen by the sensor in the center of a circular current loop:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> loop = mag3.current.Circular(current=1, diameter=1)
>>> H = sensor.getH(loop)
>>> print(H)
[0. 0. 1.]

Field computation is performed at every pixel of a sensor. The above example is reproduced for a 2x2-pixel sensor:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor(pixel=[[(0,0,0), (0,0,1)],[(0,0,2), (0,0,3)]])
>>> loop = mag3.current.Circular(current=1, diameter=1)
>>> H = sensor.getH(loop)
>>> print(H.shape)
(2, 2, 3)
>>> print(H)
[[[0.         0.         1.        ]
  [0.         0.         0.08944272]]
 [[0.         0.         0.0142668 ]
  [0.         0.         0.00444322]]]

Compute the field of a sensor along a path. The path positions are chosen so that they coincide with the pixel positions of the previous example:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> loop = mag3.current.Circular(current=1, diameter=1)
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> sensor.move([(0,0,1)]*3, start=1, increment=True)
>>> print(sensor.position)
[[0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 1.]
 [0. 0. 2.]
 [0. 0. 3.]]
>>> H = sensor.getH(loop)
>>> print(H)
[[0.         0.         1.        ]
 [0.         0.         0.08944272]
 [0.         0.         0.0142668 ]
 [0.         0.         0.00444322]]
display(markers=[(0, 0, 0)], axis=None, show_direction=False, show_path=True, size_sensors=1, size_direction=1, size_dipoles=1)

Display object graphically using matplotlib 3D plotting.

  • markers (array_like, shape (N,3), default=[(0,0,0)]) – Display position markers in the global CS. By default a marker is placed in the origin.
  • axis (pyplot.axis, default=None) – Display graphical output in a given pyplot axis (must be 3D). By default a new pyplot figure is created and displayed.
  • show_direction (bool, default=False) – Set True to show magnetization and current directions.
  • show_path (bool or int, default=True) – Options True, False, positive int. By default object paths are shown. If show_path is a positive integer, objects will be displayed at multiple path positions along the path, in steps of show_path.
  • size_sensor (float, default=1) – Adjust automatic display size of sensors.
  • size_direction (float, default=1) – Adjust automatic display size of direction arrows.
  • size_dipoles (float, default=1) – Adjust automatic display size of dipoles.


Return type:



Display Magpylib objects graphically using Matplotlib:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> obj = mag3.magnet.Sphere(magnetization=(0,0,1), diameter=1)
>>> obj.move([(.2,0,0)]*50, increment=True)
>>> obj.rotate_from_angax(angle=[10]*50, axis='z', anchor=0, start=0, increment=True)
>>> obj.display(show_direction=True, show_path=10)
--> graphic output

Display figure on your own 3D Matplotlib axis:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> my_axis = plt.axes(projection='3d')
>>> obj = mag3.magnet.Box(magnetization=(0,0,1), dimension=(1,2,3))
>>> obj.move([(x,0,0) for x in [0,1,2,3,4,5]])
>>> obj.display(axis=my_axis)
--> graphic output
getB(*sources, sumup=False, squeeze=True)[source]

Compute B-field in [mT] for given sources as seen by the Sensor.

  • sources (source objects or Collections) – Sources can be a mixture of L source objects or Collections.
  • sumup (bool, default=False) – If True, the fields of all sources are summed up.
  • squeeze (bool, default=True) – If True, the output is squeezed, i.e. all axes of length 1 in the output (e.g. only a single sensor or only a single source) are eliminated.

B-field – B-field of each source (L) at each path position (M) and each sensor pixel position (N1,N2,…) in units of [mT]. Paths of objects that are shorter than M will be considered as static beyond their end.

Return type:

ndarray, shape squeeze(L, M, N1, N2, .., 3)


Sensors are observers for magnetic field computation. In this example we compute the B-field [mT] as seen by the sensor in the center of a circular current loop:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> loop = mag3.current.Circular(current=1, diameter=1)
>>> B = sensor.getB(loop)
>>> print(B)
[0.         0.         1.25663706]

Field computation is performed at every pixel of a sensor. The above example is reproduced for a 2x2-pixel sensor:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor(pixel=[[(0,0,0), (0,0,1)],[(0,0,2), (0,0,3)]])
>>> loop = mag3.current.Circular(current=1, diameter=1)
>>> B = sensor.getB(loop)
>>> print(B.shape)
(2, 2, 3)
>>> print(B)
[[[0.         0.         1.25663706]
  [0.         0.         0.11239704]]
 [[0.         0.         0.01792819]
  [0.         0.         0.00558351]]]

Compute the field of a sensor along a path. The path positions are chosen so that they coincide with the pixel positions in the previous example.

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> loop = mag3.current.Circular(current=1, diameter=1)
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> sensor.move([(0,0,1)]*3, start=1, increment=True)
>>> print(sensor.position)
[[0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 1.]
 [0. 0. 2.]
 [0. 0. 3.]]
>>> B = sensor.getB(loop)
>>> print(B)
[[0.         0.         1.25663706]
 [0.         0.         0.11239704]
 [0.         0.         0.01792819]
 [0.         0.         0.00558351]]
getH(*sources, sumup=False, squeeze=True)[source]

Compute H-field in [kA/m] for given sources as seen by the Sensor.

  • sources (source objects or Collections) – Sources can be a mixture of L source objects or Collections.
  • sumup (bool, default=False) – If True, the fields of all sources are summed up.
  • squeeze (bool, default=True) – If True, the output is squeezed, i.e. all axes of length 1 in the output (e.g. only a single sensor or only a single source) are eliminated.

H-field – H-field of each source (L) at each path position (M) and each sensor pixel position (N1,N2,…) in units of [kA/m]. Paths of objects that are shorter than M will be considered as static beyond their end.

Return type:

ndarray, shape squeeze(L, M, N1, N2, .., 3)


Sensors are observers for magnetic field computation. In this example we compute the H-field as seen by the sensor in the center of a circular current loop:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> loop = mag3.current.Circular(current=1, diameter=1)
>>> H = sensor.getH(loop)
>>> print(H)
[0. 0. 1.]

Field computation is performed at every pixel of a sensor. The above example is reproduced for a 2x2-pixel sensor:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor(pixel=[[(0,0,0), (0,0,1)],[(0,0,2), (0,0,3)]])
>>> loop = mag3.current.Circular(current=1, diameter=1)
>>> H = sensor.getH(loop)
>>> print(H.shape)
(2, 2, 3)
>>> print(H)
[[[0.         0.         1.        ]
  [0.         0.         0.08944272]]
 [[0.         0.         0.0142668 ]
  [0.         0.         0.00444322]]]

Compute the field of a sensor along a path. The path positions are chosen so that they coincide with the pixel positions in the previous example.

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> loop = mag3.current.Circular(current=1, diameter=1)
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> sensor.move([(0,0,1)]*3, start=1, increment=True)
>>> print(sensor.position)
[[0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 1.]
 [0. 0. 2.]
 [0. 0. 3.]]
>>> H = sensor.getH(loop)
>>> print(H)
[[0.         0.         1.        ]
 [0.         0.         0.08944272]
 [0.         0.         0.0142668 ]
 [0.         0.         0.00444322]]
move(displacement, start=-1, increment=False)

Translates the object by the input displacement (can be a path).

This method uses vector addition to merge the input path given by displacement and the existing old path of an object. It keeps the old orientation. If the input path extends beyond the old path, the old path will be padded by its last entry before paths are added up.

  • displacement (array_like, shape (3,) or (N,3)) – Displacement vector shape=(3,) or path shape=(N,3) in units of [mm].
  • start (int or str, default=-1) – Choose at which index of the original object path, the input path will begin. If start=-1, inp_path will start at the last old_path position. If start=0, inp_path will start with the beginning of the old_path. If start=len(old_path) or start=’append’, inp_path will be attached to the old_path.
  • increment (bool, default=False) – If increment=False, input displacements are absolute. If increment=True, input displacements are interpreted as increments of each other. For example, an incremental input displacement of [(2,0,0), (2,0,0), (2,0,0)] corresponds to an absolute input displacement of [(2,0,0), (4,0,0), (6,0,0)].


Return type:

Magpylib object


With the move method Magpylib objects can be repositioned in the global coordinate system:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> print(sensor.position)
[0. 0. 0.]
>>> sensor.move((1,1,1))
>>> print(sensor.position)
[1. 1. 1.]

It is also a powerful tool for creating paths:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> sensor.move((1,1,1), start='append')
>>> print(sensor.position)
[[0. 0. 0.]
 [1. 1. 1.]]
>>> sensor.move([(.1,.1,.1)]*2, start='append')
>>> print(sensor.position)
[[0.  0.  0. ]
 [1.  1.  1. ]
 [1.1 1.1 1.1]
 [1.1 1.1 1.1]]

Complex paths can be generated with ease, by making use of the increment keyword and superposition of subsequent paths:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> sensor.move([(1,1,1)]*4, start='append', increment=True)
>>> print(sensor.position)
[[0. 0. 0.]
 [1. 1. 1.]
 [2. 2. 2.]
 [3. 3. 3.]
 [4. 4. 4.]]
>>> sensor.move([(.1,.1,.1)]*5, start=2)
>>> print(sensor.position)
[[0.  0.  0. ]
 [1.  1.  1. ]
 [2.1 2.1 2.1]
 [3.1 3.1 3.1]
 [4.1 4.1 4.1]
 [4.1 4.1 4.1]
 [4.1 4.1 4.1]]

Object orientation attribute getter and setter.


Sensor pixel attribute getter and setter.


Object position attribute getter and setter.


Reset object path to position = (0,0,0) and orientation = unit rotation.

Return type:Magpylib object


Create an object with non-zero path

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> obj = mag3.Sensor(position=(1,2,3))
>>> print(obj.position)
[1. 2. 3.]
>>> obj.reset_path()
>>> print(obj.position)
[0. 0. 0.]
rotate(rotation, anchor=None, start=-1, increment=False)

Rotates the object in the global coordinate system by a given rotation input (can be a path).

This method applies given rotations to the original orientation. If the input path extends beyond the existing path, the old path will be padded by its last entry before paths are added up.

  • rotation (scipy Rotation object) – Rotation to be applied. The rotation object can feature a single rotation of shape (3,) or a set of rotations of shape (N,3) that correspond to a path.
  • anchor (None, 0 or array_like, shape (3,), default=None) – The axis of rotation passes through the anchor point given in units of [mm]. By default (anchor=None) the object will rotate about its own center. anchor=0 rotates the object about the origin (0,0,0).
  • start (int or str, default=-1) – Choose at which index of the original object path, the input path will begin. If start=-1, inp_path will start at the last old_path position. If start=0, inp_path will start with the beginning of the old_path. If start=len(old_path) or start=’append’, inp_path will be attached to the old_path.
  • increment (bool, default=False) – If increment=False, input rotations are absolute. If increment=True, input rotations are interpreted as increments of each other.


Return type:

Magpylib object


With the rotate method Magpylib objects can be rotated about their local coordinate system center:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> print(sensor.position)
[0. 0. 0.]
>>> print(sensor.orientation.as_euler('xyz'))
[0. 0. 0.]
>>> rotation_object = R.from_euler('x', 45, degrees=True)
>>> sensor.rotate(rotation_object)
>>> print(sensor.position)
[0. 0. 0.]
>>> print(sensor.orientation.as_euler('xyz', degrees=True))
[45.  0.  0.]

With the anchor keyword the object rotates about a designated axis that passes through the given anchor point:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> rotation_object = R.from_euler('x', 90, degrees=True)
>>> sensor.rotate(rotation_object, anchor=(0,1,0))
>>> print(sensor.position)
[ 0.  1. -1.]
>>> print(sensor.orientation.as_euler('xyz', degrees=True))
[90.  0.  0.]

The method can also be used to generate paths, making use of scipy.Rotation object vector input:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> rotation_object = R.from_euler('x', 90, degrees=True)
>>> sensor.rotate(rotation_object, anchor=(0,1,0), start='append')
>>> print(sensor.position)
[[ 0.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  1. -1.]]
>>> print(sensor.orientation.as_euler('xyz', degrees=True))
[[ 0.  0.  0.]
 [90.  0.  0.]]
>>> rotation_object = R.from_euler('x', [10,20,30], degrees=True)
>>> sensor.rotate(rotation_object, anchor=(0,1,0), start='append')
>>> print(sensor.position)
[[ 0.          0.          0.        ]
 [ 0.          1.         -1.        ]
 [ 0.          1.17364818 -0.98480775]
 [ 0.          1.34202014 -0.93969262]
 [ 0.          1.5        -0.8660254 ]]
>>> print(sensor.orientation.as_euler('xyz', degrees=True))
[[  0.   0.   0.]
 [ 90.   0.   0.]
 [100.   0.   0.]
 [110.   0.   0.]
 [120.   0.   0.]]

Complex paths can be generated by making use of the increment keyword and the superposition of subsequent paths:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> rotation_object = R.from_euler('x', [10]*3, degrees=True)
>>> sensor.rotate(rotation_object, anchor=(0,1,0), start='append', increment=True)
>>> print(sensor.position)
[[ 0.          0.          0.        ]
 [ 0.          0.01519225 -0.17364818]
 [ 0.          0.06030738 -0.34202014]
 [ 0.          0.1339746  -0.5       ]]
>>> print(sensor.orientation.as_euler('xyz', degrees=True))
[[ 0.  0.  0.]
 [10.  0.  0.]
 [20.  0.  0.]
 [30.  0.  0.]]
>>> rotation_object = R.from_euler('z', [5]*4, degrees=True)
>>> sensor.rotate(rotation_object, anchor=0, start=0, increment=True)
>>> print(sensor.position)
[[ 0.          0.          0.        ]
 [-0.00263811  0.01496144 -0.17364818]
 [-0.0156087   0.05825246 -0.34202014]
 [-0.04582201  0.12589494 -0.5       ]]
>>> print(sensor.orientation.as_euler('xyz', degrees=True))
[[ 0.  0.  5.]
 [10.  0. 10.]
 [20.  0. 15.]
 [30.  0. 20.]]
rotate_from_angax(angle, axis, anchor=None, start=-1, increment=False, degrees=True)

Object rotation in the global coordinate system from angle-axis input.

This method applies given rotations to the original orientation. If the input path extends beyond the existingp path, the oldpath will be padded by its last entry before paths are added up.

  • angle (int/float or array_like with shape (n,) unit [deg] (by default)) – Angle of rotation, or a vector of n angles defining a rotation path in units of [deg] (by default).
  • axis (str or array_like, shape (3,)) – The direction of the axis of rotation. Input can be a vector of shape (3,) or a string ‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘z’ to denote respective directions.
  • anchor (None or array_like, shape (3,), default=None, unit [mm]) – The axis of rotation passes through the anchor point given in units of [mm]. By default (anchor=None) the object will rotate about its own center. anchor=0 rotates the object about the origin (0,0,0).
  • start (int or str, default=-1) – Choose at which index of the original object path, the input path will begin. If start=-1, inp_path will start at the last old_path position. If start=0, inp_path will start with the beginning of the old_path. If start=len(old_path) or start=’append’, inp_path will be attached to the old_path.
  • increment (bool, default=False) – If increment=False, input rotations are absolute. If increment=True, input rotations are interpreted as increments of each other. For example, the incremental angles [1,1,1,2,2] correspond to the absolute angles [1,2,3,5,7].
  • degrees (bool, default=True) – By default angle is given in units of [deg]. If degrees=False, angle is given in units of [rad].


Return type:

Magpylib object


With the rotate_from_angax method Magpylib objects can be rotated about their local coordinte system center:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> print(sensor.position)
[0. 0. 0.]
>>> print(sensor.orientation.as_euler('xyz'))
[0. 0. 0.]
>>> sensor.rotate_from_angax(angle=45, axis='x')
>>> print(sensor.position)
[0. 0. 0.]
>>> print(sensor.orientation.as_euler('xyz', degrees=True))
[45.  0.  0.]

With the anchor keyword the object rotates about a designated axis that passes through the given anchor point:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> sensor.rotate_from_angax(angle=90, axis=(1,0,0), anchor=(0,1,0))
>>> print(sensor.position)
[ 0.  1. -1.]
>>> print(sensor.orientation.as_euler('xyz', degrees=True))
[90.  0.  0.]

The method can also be used to generate paths, making use of scipy.Rotation object vector input:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> sensor.rotate_from_angax(angle=90, axis='x', anchor=(0,1,0), start='append')
>>> print(sensor.position)
[[ 0.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  1. -1.]]
>>> print(sensor.orientation.as_euler('xyz', degrees=True))
[[ 0.  0.  0.]
 [90.  0.  0.]]
>>> sensor.rotate_from_angax(angle=[10,20,30], axis='x', anchor=(0,1,0), start='append')
>>> print(sensor.position)
[[ 0.          0.          0.        ]
 [ 0.          1.         -1.        ]
 [ 0.          1.17364818 -0.98480775]
 [ 0.          1.34202014 -0.93969262]
 [ 0.          1.5        -0.8660254 ]]
>>> print(sensor.orientation.as_euler('xyz', degrees=True))
[[  0.   0.   0.]
 [ 90.   0.   0.]
 [100.   0.   0.]
 [110.   0.   0.]
 [120.   0.   0.]]

Complex paths can be generated by making use of the increment keyword and the superposition of subsequent paths:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor()
>>> sensor.rotate_from_angax([10]*3, 'x', (0,1,0), start=1, increment=True)
>>> print(sensor.position)
[[ 0.          0.          0.        ]
 [ 0.          0.01519225 -0.17364818]
 [ 0.          0.06030738 -0.34202014]
 [ 0.          0.1339746  -0.5       ]]
>>> print(sensor.orientation.as_euler('xyz', degrees=True))
[[ 0.  0.  0.]
 [10.  0.  0.]
 [20.  0.  0.]
 [30.  0.  0.]]
>>> sensor.rotate_from_angax(angle=[5]*4, axis='z', anchor=0, start=0, increment=True)
>>> print(sensor.position)
[[ 0.          0.          0.        ]
 [-0.00263811  0.01496144 -0.17364818]
 [-0.0156087   0.05825246 -0.34202014]
 [-0.04582201  0.12589494 -0.5       ]]
>>> print(sensor.orientation.as_euler('xyz', degrees=True))
[[ 0.  0.  5.]
 [10.  0. 10.]
 [20.  0. 15.]
 [30.  0. 20.]]
class magpylib.Collection(*sources)[source]

Bases: magpylib._lib.obj_classes.class_BaseDisplayRepr.BaseDisplayRepr, magpylib._lib.obj_classes.class_BaseGetBH.BaseGetBH

Group multiple sources in one Collection for common manipulation.

Operations applied to a Collection are sequentially applied to all sources in the Collection. Collections do not allow duplicate sources (will be eliminated automatically).

Collections have the following dunders defined: __add__, __sub__, __iter__, __getitem__, __repr__

Parameters:sources (source objects, Collections or arbitrary lists thereof) – Ordered list of sources in the Collection.
Returns:Collection object
Return type:Collection


Create Collections for common manipulation. All sources added to a Collection are stored in the sources attribute, which is an ordered set (list with unique elements only)

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sphere = mag3.magnet.Sphere((1,2,3),1)
>>> loop = mag3.current.Circular(1,1)
>>> dipole = mag3.misc.Dipole((1,2,3))
>>> col = mag3.Collection(sphere, loop, dipole)
>>> print(col.sources)
[Sphere(id=1879891544384), Circular(id=1879891543040), Dipole(id=1879892157152)]

Cycle directly through the Collection sources attribute

>>> for src in col:
>>>    print(src)

and directly access objects from the Collection

>>> print(col[1])

Add and subtract sources to form a Collection and to remove sources from a Collection.

>>> col = sphere + loop
>>> print(col.sources)
[Sphere(id=1879891544384), Circular(id=1879891543040)]
>>> col - sphere
>>> print(col.sources)

Manipulate all objects in a Collection directly using move and rotate methods

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> sphere = mag3.magnet.Sphere((1,2,3),1)
>>> loop = mag3.current.Circular(1,1)
>>> col = sphere + loop
>>> col.move((1,1,1))
>>> print(sphere.position)
[1. 1. 1.]

and compute the total magnetic field generated by the Collection.

>>> B = col.getB((1,2,3))
>>> print(B)
[-0.00372678  0.01820438  0.03423079]

Add arbitrary sources or Collections.

Parameters:sources (src objects, Collections or arbitrary lists thereof) – Add arbitrary sequences of sources and Collections to the Collection. The new sources will be added at the end of self.sources. Duplicates will be eliminated.
Return type:Collection


Add sources to a Collection:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> src = mag3.current.Circular(1,1)
>>> col = mag3.Collection()
>>> col.add(src)
>>> print(col.sources)

Returns a copy of the Collection.

Return type:Collection


Create a copy of a Collection object:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> col = mag3.Collection()
>>> print(id(col))
>>> col2 = col.copy()
>>> print(id(col2))
display(markers=[(0, 0, 0)], axis=None, show_direction=False, show_path=True, size_sensors=1, size_direction=1, size_dipoles=1)

Display object graphically using matplotlib 3D plotting.

  • markers (array_like, shape (N,3), default=[(0,0,0)]) – Display position markers in the global CS. By default a marker is placed in the origin.
  • axis (pyplot.axis, default=None) – Display graphical output in a given pyplot axis (must be 3D). By default a new pyplot figure is created and displayed.
  • show_direction (bool, default=False) – Set True to show magnetization and current directions.
  • show_path (bool or int, default=True) – Options True, False, positive int. By default object paths are shown. If show_path is a positive integer, objects will be displayed at multiple path positions along the path, in steps of show_path.
  • size_sensor (float, default=1) – Adjust automatic display size of sensors.
  • size_direction (float, default=1) – Adjust automatic display size of direction arrows.
  • size_dipoles (float, default=1) – Adjust automatic display size of dipoles.


Return type:



Display Magpylib objects graphically using Matplotlib:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> obj = mag3.magnet.Sphere(magnetization=(0,0,1), diameter=1)
>>> obj.move([(.2,0,0)]*50, increment=True)
>>> obj.rotate_from_angax(angle=[10]*50, axis='z', anchor=0, start=0, increment=True)
>>> obj.display(show_direction=True, show_path=10)
--> graphic output

Display figure on your own 3D Matplotlib axis:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> my_axis = plt.axes(projection='3d')
>>> obj = mag3.magnet.Box(magnetization=(0,0,1), dimension=(1,2,3))
>>> obj.move([(x,0,0) for x in [0,1,2,3,4,5]])
>>> obj.display(axis=my_axis)
--> graphic output
getB(*observers, squeeze=True)

Compute B-field in units of [mT] for given observers.

  • observers (array_like or Sensors) – Observers can be array_like positions of shape (N1, N2, …, 3) where the field should be evaluated or Sensor objects with pixel shape (N1, N2, …, 3). Pixel shapes (or observer positions) of all inputs must be the same. All positions are given in units of [mm].
  • sumup (bool, default=False) – If True, the fields of all sources are summed up.
  • squeeze (bool, default=True) – If True, the output is squeezed, i.e. all axes of length 1 in the output (e.g. only a single source) are eliminated.

B-field – B-field at each path position (M) for each sensor (K) and each sensor pixel position (N1,N2,…) in units of [mT]. Sensor pixel positions are equivalent to simple observer positions. Paths of objects that are shorter than M will be considered as static beyond their end.

Return type:

ndarray, shape squeeze(M, K, N1, N2, .., 3)


Compute the B-field [mT] at a sensor directly through the source method:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> source = mag3.magnet.Sphere(magnetization=(1000,0,0), diameter=1)
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor(position=(1,2,3))
>>> B = source.getB(sensor)
>>> print(B)
[-0.62497314  0.34089444  0.51134166]

Compute the B-field [mT] of a source at five path positions as seen by an observer at position (1,2,3):

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> source = mag3.magnet.Sphere(magnetization=(1000,0,0), diameter=1)
>>> source.move([(x,0,0) for x in [1,2,3,4,5]])
>>> B = source.getB((1,2,3))
>>> print(B)
[[-0.88894262  0.          0.        ]
[-0.62497314 -0.34089444 -0.51134166]
[-0.17483825 -0.41961181 -0.62941771]
[ 0.09177028 -0.33037301 -0.49555952]
[ 0.17480239 -0.22080302 -0.33120453]]

Compute the B-field [mT] of a source at two sensors:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> source = mag3.current.Circular(current=15, diameter=1)
>>> sens1 = mag3.Sensor(position=(1,2,3))
>>> sens2 = mag3.Sensor(position=(2,3,4))
>>> B = source.getB(sens1, sens2)
>>> print(B)
[[0.01421427 0.02842853 0.02114728]
[0.00621368 0.00932052 0.00501254]]
getH(*observers, squeeze=True)

Compute H-field in units of [kA/m] for given observers.

  • observers (array_like or Sensors) – Observers can be array_like positions of shape (N1, N2, …, 3) where the field should be evaluated or Sensor objects with pixel shape (N1, N2, …, 3). Pixel shapes (or observer positions) of all inputs must be the same. All positions are given in units of [mm].
  • sumup (bool, default=False) – If True, the fields of all sources are summed up.
  • squeeze (bool, default=True) – If True, the output is squeezed, i.e. all axes of length 1 in the output (e.g. only a single source) are eliminated.

H-field – H-field at each path position (M) for each sensor (K) and each sensor pixel position (N1,N2,…) in units of [kA/m]. Sensor pixel positions are equivalent to simple observer positions. Paths of objects that are shorter than M will be considered as static beyond their end.

Return type:

ndarray, shape squeeze(M, K, N1, N2, .., 3)


Compute the H-field [kA/m] at a sensor directly through the source method:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> source = mag3.magnet.Sphere(magnetization=(1000,0,0), diameter=1)
>>> sensor = mag3.Sensor(position=(1,2,3))
>>> H = source.getH(sensor)
>>> print(H)
[-0.49733782  0.27127518  0.40691277]

Compute the H-field [kA/m] of a source at five path positions as seen by an observer at position (1,2,3):

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> source = mag3.magnet.Sphere(magnetization=(1000,0,0), diameter=1)
>>> source.move([(x,0,0) for x in [1,2,3,4,5]])
>>> H = source.getH((1,2,3))
>>> print(H)
[[-0.70739806  0.          0.        ]
[-0.49733782 -0.27127518 -0.40691277]
[-0.13913186 -0.33391647 -0.5008747 ]
[ 0.07302847 -0.26290249 -0.39435373]
[ 0.13910332 -0.17570946 -0.26356419]]

Compute the H-field [kA/m] of a source at two sensors:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> source = mag3.current.Circular(current=15, diameter=1)
>>> sens1 = mag3.Sensor(position=(1,2,3))
>>> sens2 = mag3.Sensor(position=(2,3,4))
>>> H = source.getH(sens1, sens2)
>>> print(H)
[[0.01131135 0.02262271 0.01682847]
[0.00494469 0.00741704 0.00398885]]
move(displacement, start=-1, increment=False)[source]

Translates each object in the Collection individually by the input displacement (can be a path).

This method uses vector addition to merge the input path given by displacement and the existing old path of an object. It keeps the old orientation. If the input path extends beyond the old path, the old path will be padded by its last entry before paths are added up.

  • displacement (array_like, shape (3,) or (N,3)) – Displacement vector shape=(3,) or path shape=(N,3) in units of [mm].
  • start (int or str, default=-1) – Choose at which index of the original object path, the input path will begin. If start=-1, inp_path will start at the last old_path position. If start=0, inp_path will start with the beginning of the old_path. If start=len(old_path) or start=’append’, inp_path will be attached to the old_path.
  • increment (bool, default=False) – If increment=False, input displacements are absolute. If increment=True, input displacements are interpreted as increments of each other. For example, an incremental input displacement of [(2,0,0), (2,0,0), (2,0,0)] corresponds to an absolute input displacement of [(2,0,0), (4,0,0), (6,0,0)].


Return type:



This method will apply the move operation to each Collection object individually.

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> dipole = mag3.misc.Dipole((1,2,3))
>>> loop = mag3.current.Circular(1,1)
>>> col = loop + dipole
>>> col.move([(1,1,1), (2,2,2)])
>>> for src in col:
>>>     print(src.position)
[[1. 1. 1.]  [2. 2. 2.]]
[[1. 1. 1.]  [2. 2. 2.]]

But manipulating individual objects keeps them in the Collection

>>> dipole.move((1,1,1))
>>> for src in col:
>>>     print(src.position)
[[1. 1. 1.]  [2. 2. 2.]]
[[1. 1. 1.]  [3. 3. 3.]]

Remove a specific source from the Collection.

Parameters:source (source object) – Remove the given source from the Collection.
Return type:Collection


Remove a specific source from a Collection:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> src1 = mag3.current.Circular(1,1)
>>> src2 = mag3.current.Circular(1,1)
>>> col = src1 + src2
>>> print(col.sources)
[Circular(id=2405009623360), Circular(id=2405010235504)]
>>> col.remove(src1)
>>> print(col.sources)

Reset all object paths to position = (0,0,0) and orientation = unit rotation.

Return type:Collection


Create a collection with non-zero paths

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> dipole = mag3.misc.Dipole((1,2,3), position=(1,2,3))
>>> loop = mag3.current.Circular(1,1, position=[(1,1,1)]*2)
>>> col = loop + dipole
>>> for src in col:
>>>     print(src.position)
[[1. 1. 1.]  [1. 1. 1.]]
[1. 2. 3.]
>>> col.reset_path()
>>> for src in col:
>>>     print(src.position)
[0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0.]
rotate(rot, anchor=None, start=-1, increment=False)[source]

Rotates each object in the Collection individually.

This method applies given rotations to the original orientation. If the input path extends beyond the existing path, the old path will be padded by its last entry before paths are added up.

  • rotation (scipy Rotation object) – Rotation to be applied. The rotation object can feature a single rotation of shape (3,) or a set of rotations of shape (N,3) that correspond to a path.
  • anchor (None, 0 or array_like, shape (3,), default=None) – The axis of rotation passes through the anchor point given in units of [mm]. By default (anchor=None) the object will rotate about its own center. anchor=0 rotates the object about the origin (0,0,0).
  • start (int or str, default=-1) – Choose at which index of the original object path, the input path will begin. If start=-1, inp_path will start at the last old_path position. If start=0, inp_path will start with the beginning of the old_path. If start=len(old_path) or start=’append’, inp_path will be attached to the old_path.
  • increment (bool, default=False) – If increment=False, input rotations are absolute. If increment=True, input rotations are interpreted as increments of each other.


Return type:



This method will apply the rotate operation to each Collection object individually.

>>> from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> dipole = mag3.misc.Dipole((1,2,3))
>>> loop = mag3.current.Circular(1,1)
>>> col = loop + dipole
>>> col.rotate(R.from_euler('x', [45,90], degrees=True))
>>> for src in col:
>>>     print(src.orientation.as_euler('xyz', degrees=True))
[[45.  0.  0.]  [90.  0.  0.]]
[[45.  0.  0.]  [90.  0.  0.]]

Manipulating individual objects keeps them in the Collection

>>> dipole.rotate(R.from_euler('x', [45], degrees=True))
>>> for src in col:
>>>     print(src.orientation.as_euler('xyz', degrees=True))
[[45.  0.  0.]  [ 90.  0.  0.]]
[[45.  0.  0.]  [135.  0.  0.]]
rotate_from_angax(angle, axis, anchor=None, start=-1, increment=False, degrees=True)[source]

Rotates each object in the Collection individually from angle-axis input.

This method applies given rotations to the original orientation. If the input path extends beyond the existingp path, the oldpath will be padded by its last entry before paths are added up.

  • angle (int/float or array_like with shape (n,) unit [deg] (by default)) – Angle of rotation, or a vector of n angles defining a rotation path in units of [deg] (by default).
  • axis (str or array_like, shape (3,)) – The direction of the axis of rotation. Input can be a vector of shape (3,) or a string ‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘z’ to denote respective directions.
  • anchor (None or array_like, shape (3,), default=None, unit [mm]) – The axis of rotation passes through the anchor point given in units of [mm]. By default (anchor=None) the object will rotate about its own center. anchor=0 rotates the object about the origin (0,0,0).
  • start (int or str, default=-1) – Choose at which index of the original object path, the input path will begin. If start=-1, inp_path will start at the last old_path position. If start=0, inp_path will start with the beginning of the old_path. If start=len(old_path) or start=’append’, inp_path will be attached to the old_path.
  • increment (bool, default=False) – If increment=False, input rotations are absolute. If increment=True, input rotations are interpreted as increments of each other. For example, the incremental angles [1,1,1,2,2] correspond to the absolute angles [1,2,3,5,7].
  • degrees (bool, default=True) – By default angle is given in units of [deg]. If degrees=False, angle is given in units of [rad].


Return type:



This method will apply the rotate_from_angax operation to each Collection object individually.

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> dipole = mag3.misc.Dipole((1,2,3))
>>> loop = mag3.current.Circular(1,1)
>>> col = loop + dipole
>>> col.rotate_from_angax([45,90], 'x')
>>> for src in col:
>>>     print(src.orientation.as_euler('xyz', degrees=True))
[[45.  0.  0.]  [90.  0.  0.]]
[[45.  0.  0.]  [90.  0.  0.]]

Manipulating individual objects keeps them in the Collection

>>> dipole.rotate_from_angax(45, 'x')
>>> for src in col:
>>>     print(src.orientation.as_euler('xyz', degrees=True))
[[45.  0.  0.]  [ 90.  0.  0.]]
[[45.  0.  0.]  [135.  0.  0.]]

Collection sources attribute getter and setter.

magpylib.display(*objects, markers=[(0, 0, 0)], axis=None, show_direction=False, show_path=True, size_sensors=1, size_direction=1, size_dipoles=1)[source]

Display objects and paths graphically using matplotlib 3D plotting.

  • objects (sources, collections or sensors) – Objects to be displayed.
  • markers (array_like, shape (N,3), default=[(0,0,0)]) – Display position markers in the global CS. By default a marker is placed in the origin.
  • axis (pyplot.axis, default=None) – Display graphical output in a given pyplot axis (must be 3D). By default a new pyplot figure is created and displayed.
  • show_direction (bool, default=False) – Set True to show magnetization and current directions.
  • show_path (bool or int, default=True) – Options True, False, positive int. By default object paths are shown. If show_path is a positive integer, objects will be displayed at multiple path positions along the path, in steps of show_path.
  • size_sensor (float, default=1) – Adjust automatic display size of sensors.
  • size_direction (float, default=1) – Adjust automatic display size of direction arrows.
  • size_dipoles (float, default=1) – Adjust automatic display size of dipoles.


Return type:



Display multiple objects, object paths, markers in 3D using Matplotlib:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> col = mag3.Collection(
    [mag3.magnet.Sphere(magnetization=(0,0,1), diameter=1) for _ in range(3)])
>>> for displ,src in zip([(.1414,0,0),(-.1,-.1,0),(-.1,.1,0)], col):
>>>     src.move([displ]*50, increment=True)
>>>     src.rotate_from_angax(angle=[10]*50, axis='z', anchor=0, start=0, increment=True)
>>> ts = [-.6,-.4,-.2,0,.2,.4,.6]
>>> sens = mag3.Sensor(position=(0,0,2), pixel=[(x,y,0) for x in ts for y in ts])
>>> mag3.display(col, sens)
--> graphic output

Display figure on your own 3D Matplotlib axis:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> my_axis = plt.axes(projection='3d')
>>> magnet = mag3.magnet.Box(magnetization=(0,0,1), dimension=(1,2,3))
>>> sens = mag3.Sensor(position=(0,0,3))
>>> mag3.display(magnet, sens, axis=my_axis)
--> graphic output
class magpylib.Config[source]

Bases: object

Library default settings

  • CHECK_INPUTS (bool, default=True) – Check user input types, shapes at various stages and raise errors when they are not within designated parameters.
  • EDGESIZE (float, default=1e-14) – getBand getH return 0 on edge, formulas often show singularities there and undefined forms. EDGESIZE defines how close to the edge 0 will be returned to avoid running into numerical instabilities.
  • ITER_CYLINDER (int, default=50) – Cylinder with diametral magnetization uses Simpsons iterative formula to compute the integral. More iterations increase precision but slow down the computation.


Compute the field very close to a line current:

>>> import magpylib as mag3
>>> current = mag3.current.Line(current=1, vertices=[(-.1,0,0),(.1,0,0)])
>>> B_close = current.getB((0,0,1e-11))
>>> print(B_close)
[ 0.e+00 -2.e+10  0.e+00]

Change the edgesize setting so that the position is now inside of the cut-off region

>>> mag3.Config.EDGESIZE=1e-10
>>> B_close = current.getB((0,0,1e-11))
>>> print(B_close)
[0. 0. 0.]

Reset the Config to original values:

>>> mag3.Config.reset()
>>> B_close = current.getB((0,0,1e-11))
>>> print(B_close)
[ 0.e+00 -2.e+10  0.e+00]
classmethod reset()[source]

Reset Config to default values.

Return type:NoneType