Source code for magpylib._lib.getBvector

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# magpylib -- A Python 3 toolbox for working with magnetic fields.
# Copyright (C) Silicon Austria Labs,,
#               Michael Ortner <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program.  If not, see <>.
# The acceptance of the conditions of the GNU Affero General Public License are
# compulsory for the usage of the software.
# For contact information, reach out over at <> or our issues
# page at
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from magpylib._lib.fields.PM_Box_vector import Bfield_BoxV
from magpylib._lib.fields.PM_Cylinder_vector import Bfield_CylinderV
from magpylib._lib.fields.PM_Sphere_vector import Bfield_SphereV
from magpylib._lib.fields.Moment_Dipole_vector import Bfield_DipoleV
from magpylib._lib.fields.Current_CircularLoop_vector import Bfield_CircularCurrentLoopV
from magpylib._lib.fields.Current_Line_vector import Bfield_LineSegmentV
from magpylib._lib.mathLib_vector import QconjV, QrotationV, QmultV, getRotQuatV, angleAxisRotationV_priv
import numpy as np

[docs]def getBv_magnet(type,MAG,DIM,POSm,POSo,ANG=[],AX=[],ANCH=[],Nphi0=50): """ Calculate the field of magnets using vectorized performance code. Parameters ---------- type : string source type either 'box', 'cylinder', 'sphere'. MAG : Nx3 numpy array float [mT] vector of N magnetizations. DIM : NxY numpy array float [mm] vector of N dimensions for each evaluation. The form of this vector depends on the source type. Y=3/2/1 for box/cylinder/sphere POSo : Nx3 numpy array float [mm] vector of N positions of the observer. POSm : Nx3 numpy array float [mm] vector of N initial source positions. These positions will be adjusted by the given rotation parameters. ANG=[] : length M list of size N numpy arrays float [deg] Angles of M subsequent rotation operations applied to the N-sized POSm and the implicit source orientation. AX=[] : length M list of Nx3 numpy arrays float [] Axis vectors of M subsequent rotation operations applied to the N-sized POSm and the implicit source orientation. ANCH=[] : length M list of Nx3 numpy arrays float [mm] Anchor positions of M subsequent rotations applied ot the N-sized POSm and the implicit source orientation. Nphi0=50 : integer gives number of iterations used when calculating diametral magnetized cylindrical magnets. """ N = len(POSo) Q = np.zeros([N,4]) Q[:,0] = 1 # init orientation Pm = POSm #initial position #apply rotation operations for ANGLE,AXIS,ANCHOR in zip(ANG,AX,ANCH): Q = QmultV(getRotQuatV(ANGLE,AXIS),Q) Pm = angleAxisRotationV_priv(ANGLE,AXIS,Pm-ANCHOR)+ANCHOR # transform into CS of source POSrel = POSo-Pm #relative position Qc = QconjV(Q) #orientierung POSrot = QrotationV(Qc,POSrel) #rotation der pos in das CS der Quelle # calculate field if type == 'box': Brot = Bfield_BoxV(MAG, POSrot, DIM) elif type == 'cylinder': Brot = Bfield_CylinderV(MAG, POSrot, DIM,Nphi0) elif type == 'sphere': Brot = Bfield_SphereV(MAG, POSrot, DIM) else: print('Bad type or WIP') return 0 # transform back B = QrotationV(Q,Brot) #rückrotation des feldes return B
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[docs]def getBv_current(type,CURR,DIM,POSm,POSo,ANG=[],AX=[],ANCH=[]): """ Calculate the field of currents using vectorized performance code. Parameters ---------- type : string source type either 'circular' or 'line' MAG : Nx3 numpy array float [mT] vector of N magnetizations. DIM : NxY numpy array float [mm] vector of N dimensions for each evaluation. The form of this vector depends on the source type. Y=1/3x3 for circular/line. POSo : Nx3 numpy array float [mm] vector of N positions of the observer. POSm : Nx3 numpy array float [mm] vector of N initial source positions. These positions will be adjusted by the given rotation parameters. ANG=[] : length M list of size N numpy arrays float [deg] Angles of M subsequent rotation operations applied to the N-sized POSm and the implicit source orientation. AX=[] : length M list of Nx3 numpy arrays float [] Axis vectors of M subsequent rotation operations applied to the N-sized POSm and the implicit source orientation. ANCH=[] : length M list of Nx3 numpy arrays float [mm] Anchor positions of M subsequent rotations applied ot the N-sized POSm and the implicit source orientation. """ N = len(POSo) Q = np.zeros([N,4]) Q[:,0] = 1 # init orientation Pm = POSm #initial position #apply rotation operations for ANGLE,AXIS,ANCHOR in zip(ANG,AX,ANCH): Q = QmultV(getRotQuatV(ANGLE,AXIS),Q) Pm = angleAxisRotationV_priv(ANGLE,AXIS,Pm-ANCHOR)+ANCHOR # transform into CS of source POSrel = POSo-Pm #relative position Qc = QconjV(Q) #orientierung POSrot = QrotationV(Qc,POSrel) #rotation der pos in das CS der Quelle # calculate field if type == 'circular': Brot = Bfield_CircularCurrentLoopV(CURR, DIM, POSrot) elif type == 'line': Brot = Bfield_LineSegmentV(POSrot,DIM[:,0],DIM[:,1],CURR) else: print('Bad type') return 0 # transform back B = QrotationV(Q,Brot) #rückrotation des feldes return B
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[docs]def getBv_moment(type,MOM,POSm,POSo,ANG=[],AX=[],ANCH=[]): """ Calculate the field of magnetic moments using vectorized performance code. Parameters ---------- type : string source type: 'dipole' MOM : Nx3 numpy array float [mT] vector of N dipole moments. POSo : Nx3 numpy array float [mm] vector of N positions of the observer. POSm : Nx3 numpy array float [mm] vector of N initial source positions. These positions will be adjusted by the given rotation parameters. ANG=[] : length M list of size N numpy arrays float [deg] Angles of M subsequent rotation operations applied to the N-sized POSm and the implicit source orientation. AX=[] : length M list of Nx3 numpy arrays float [] Axis vectors of M subsequent rotation operations applied to the N-sized POSm and the implicit source orientation. ANCH=[] : length M list of Nx3 numpy arrays float [mm] Anchor positions of M subsequent rotations applied ot the N-sized POSm and the implicit source orientation. """ N = len(POSo) Q = np.zeros([N,4]) Q[:,0] = 1 # init orientation Pm = POSm #initial position #apply rotation operations for ANGLE,AXIS,ANCHOR in zip(ANG,AX,ANCH): Q = QmultV(getRotQuatV(ANGLE,AXIS),Q) Pm = angleAxisRotationV_priv(ANGLE,AXIS,Pm-ANCHOR)+ANCHOR # transform into CS of source POSrel = POSo-Pm #relative position Qc = QconjV(Q) #orientierung POSrot = QrotationV(Qc,POSrel) #rotation der pos in das CS der Quelle # calculate field if type == 'dipole': Brot = Bfield_DipoleV(MOM, POSrot) else: print('Bad type') return 0 # transform back B = QrotationV(Q,Brot) #rückrotation des feldes return B