Source code for magpylib._lib.mathLib

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# magpylib -- A Python 3 toolbox for working with magnetic fields.
# Copyright (C) Silicon Austria Labs,,
#               Michael Ortner <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program.  If not, see <>.
# The acceptance of the conditions of the GNU Affero General Public License are
# compulsory for the usage of the software.
# For contact information, reach out over at <> or our issues
# page at
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import numpy
from numpy import arctan, pi, array, sqrt, NaN, cos, sin, arccos, float64, sqrt

# SMOOTH VERSION OF ARCTAN ------------------------------------------------------
# get a smooth version of the cylindrical coordinates
# similar to atan2 from numpy - replace at some point

def getPhi(x, y):
    if x > 0:
        return arctan(y/x)
    elif x < 0:
        if y >= 0:
            return arctan(y/x)+pi
            return arctan(y/x)-pi
        if y > 0:
            return pi/2
        elif y<0:
            return -pi/2
            return 0

# NUMERICALY STABLE VERSION OF ARCCOS -------------------------------------------
# avoid numerical problem to evaluate at 1.000000000001
def arccosSTABLE(x):
    if 1 > x > -1:
        return arccos(x)
    elif x >= 1:
        return 0
    elif x <= -1:
        return pi

# FAST VERSIONS OF 3D VECTOR ALGEBRA --------------------------------------------

# more than 10-times faster than native np.cross (which is for arbitrary dimensions)
def fastCross3D(u, v):
    return array([u[1]*v[2]-u[2]*v[1], -u[0]*v[2]+u[2]*v[0], u[0]*v[1]-u[1]*v[0]])

# much faster than sum()

def fastSum3D(u):
    return u[0]+u[1]+u[2]

# much faster than (which is for arbitrary dimensions)

def fastNorm3D(u):
    return sqrt(u[0]**2+u[1]**2+u[2]**2)

# QUATERNIONS for ANGLE-AXIS ROTATION --------------------------------------------
# Quaterntions are defined as 4D Lists

# Quaternion multiplication
def Qmult(Q, P):
    r0 = Q[0]*P[0] - Q[1]*P[1] - Q[2]*P[2] - Q[3]*P[3]
    r1 = Q[0]*P[1] + Q[1]*P[0] + Q[2]*P[3] - Q[3]*P[2]
    r2 = Q[0]*P[2] - Q[1]*P[3] + Q[2]*P[0] + Q[3]*P[1]
    r3 = Q[0]*P[3] + Q[1]*P[2] - Q[2]*P[1] + Q[3]*P[0]
    return [r0, r1, r2, r3]

# Quaternion Norm**2

def Qnorm2(Q):
    return Q[0]**2 + Q[1]**2 + Q[2]**2 + Q[3]**2

# Unit Quaternion

def Qunit(Q):
    qnorm = sqrt(Qnorm2(Q))
    return [q/qnorm for q in Q]

# Conjugate Quaternion

def Qconj(Q):
    return array([Q[0], -Q[1], -Q[2], -Q[3]])

# getRotationQuaternion from axis angle (see Kuipers p.131)

def getRotQuat(angle, axis):
    Lax = fastNorm3D(axis)
    Uax = axis/Lax

    Phi = angle/180*pi/2
    cosPhi = cos(Phi)
    sinPhi = sin(Phi)

    Q = [cosPhi] + [a*sinPhi for a in Uax]

    return Q

# Angle-Axis Rotation of Vector

def angleAxisRotation_priv(angle, axis, v):
    P = getRotQuat(angle, axis)

    Qv = [0, v[0], v[1], v[2]]
    Qv_new = Qmult(P, Qmult(Qv, Qconj(P)))

    return array(Qv_new[1:])


#from scipy.integrate import quad
# Algorithm to determine a special elliptic integral
# Algorithm proposed in Derby, Olbert 'Cylindrical Magnets and Ideal Solenoids'
# arXiev:00909.3880v1

def elliptic(kc, p, c, s):
    if kc == 0:
        return NaN
    errtol = .000001
    k = abs(kc)
    pp = p
    cc = c
    ss = s
    em = 1.
    if p > 0:
        pp = sqrt(p)
        ss = s/pp
        f = kc*kc
        q = 1.-f
        g = 1. - pp
        f = f - pp
        q = q*(ss - c*pp)
        pp = sqrt(f/g)
        cc = (c-ss)/g
        ss = -q/(g*g*pp) + cc*pp
    f = cc
    cc = cc + ss/pp
    g = k/pp
    ss = 2*(ss + f*g)
    pp = g + pp
    g = em
    em = k + em
    kk = k
    while abs(g-k) > g*errtol:
        k = 2*sqrt(kk)
        kk = k*em
        f = cc
        cc = cc + ss/pp
        g = kk/pp
        ss = 2*(ss + f*g)
        pp = g + pp
        g = em
        em = k+em

# complete elliptic integral of the first kind: ellipticK
# E(x) = \int_0^pi/2 (1-x sin(phi)^2)^(-1/2) dphi
# Achtung: fur x>1 wird der output imaginaer und die derzeitigen algorithmen brechen zusammen

def ellipticK(x):
    return elliptic((1-x)**(1/2.), 1, 1, 1)

# complete elliptic integral of the second kind: ellipticE
# E(x) = \int_0^pi/2 (1-x sin(phi)^2)^(1/2) dphi
# Achtung: fur x>1 wird der output imaginaer und die derzeitigen algorithmen brechen zusammen

def ellipticE(x):
    return elliptic((1-x)**(1/2.), 1, 1, 1-x)

# complete elliptic integral of the third kind: ellipticPi

def ellipticPi(x, y):
    return elliptic((1-y)**(1/2.), 1-x, 1, 1)

# TESTING ALGORITHM ---------------------------------------------------------
# def integrand(phi,kc,p,c,s):
#    return (c*cos(phi)**2+s*sin(phi)**2)/(cos(phi)**2+p*sin(phi)**2)/sqrt(cos(phi)**2+kc**2*sin(phi)**2)

# def nelliptic(kc,p,c,s):
#    I = quad(integrand,0,pi/2,args=(kc,p,c,s))
#    return I

#from scipy.integrate import quad
# def integrand(phi,x):
#    return (1-x*sin(phi)**2)**(-1/2.)
# def nelliptic(x):
#    I = quad(integrand,0,pi/2,args=x)
#    return I
# print(nelliptic(-.51))

[docs]def randomAxis(): """ This function generates a random `axis` (3-vector of length 1) from an equal angular distribution using a MonteCarlo scheme. Returns ------- axis : arr3 A random axis from an equal angular distribution of length 1 Example ------- >>> magpylib as magPy >>> ax = magPy.math.randomAxis() >>> print(ax) [-0.24834468 0.96858637 0.01285925] """ while True: r = numpy.random.rand(3)*2-1 # create random axis Lr2 = sum(r**2) # get length if Lr2 <= 1: # is axis within sphere? Lr = sqrt(Lr2) # normalize return r/Lr
[docs]def axisFromAngles(angles): """ This function generates an `axis` (3-vector of length 1) from two `angles` = [phi,th] that are defined as in spherical coordinates. phi = azimuth angle, th = polar angle. Vector input format can be either list, tuple or array of any data type (float, int). Parameters ---------- angles : vec2 [deg] The two angels [phi,th], azimuth and polar, in units of deg. Returns ------- axis : arr3 An axis of length that is oriented as given by the input angles. Example ------- >>> magpylib as magPy >>> angles = [90,90] >>> ax = magPy.math.axisFromAngles(angles) >>> print(ax) [0.0 1.0 0.0] """ phi, th = angles # phi in [0,2pi], th in [0,pi] phi = phi/180*pi th = th/180*pi return array([cos(phi)*sin(th), sin(phi)*sin(th), cos(th)])
[docs]def anglesFromAxis(axis): """ This function takes an arbitrary `axis` (3-vector) and returns the orientation given by the `angles` = [phi,th] that are defined as in spherical coordinates. phi = azimuth angle, th = polar angle. Vector input format can be either list, tuple or array of any data type (float, int). Parameters ---------- axis : vec3 Arbitrary input axis that defines an orientation. Returns ------- angles : arr2 [deg] The angles [phi,th], azimuth and polar, that anchorrespond to the orientation given by the input axis. Example ------- >>> magpylib as magPy >>> axis = [1,1,0] >>> angles = magPy.math.anglesFromAxis(axis) >>> print(angles) [45. 90.] """ ax = array(axis, dtype=float64, copy=False) Lax = fastNorm3D(ax) Uax = ax/Lax TH = arccos(Uax[2])/pi*180 PHI = getPhi(Uax[0], Uax[1])/pi*180 return array([PHI, TH])
[docs]def angleAxisRotation(position, angle, axis, anchor=[0, 0, 0]): """ This function uses angle-axis rotation to rotate the `position` vector by the `angle` argument about an axis defined by the `axis` vector which passes through the center of rotation `anchor` vector. Scalar input is either integer or float.Vector input format can be either list, tuple or array of any data type (float, int). Parameters ---------- position : vec3 Input position to be rotated. angle : scalar [deg] Angle of rotation in untis of [deg] axis : vec3 Axis of rotation anchor : vec3 The Center of rotation which defines the position of the axis of rotation Returns ------- newPosition : arr3 Rotated position Example ------- >>> magpylib as magPy >>> from numpy import pi >>> position0 = [1,1,0] >>> angle = -90 >>> axis = [0,0,1] >>> centerOfRotation = [1,0,0] >>> positionNew = magPy.math.angleAxisRotation(position0,angle,axis,anchor=centerOfRotation) >>> print(positionNew) [2. 0. 0.] """ pos = array(position, dtype=float64, copy=False) ang = float(angle) ax = array(axis, dtype=float64, copy=False) anchor = array(anchor, dtype=float64, copy=False) pos12 = pos-anchor pos12Rot = angleAxisRotation_priv(ang, ax, pos12) posRot = pos12Rot+anchor return posRot